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August 1, 2012 / hrafnkell

New setup for the plants

I was having disappointing growth on most of the plants in my grow system, so I decided an upgrade was in order. Especially since winter is coming and I want to grow various edibles this winter.

My assumption about the slow/nonexistant growth was mainly that the reservoir the plants are (were) in is too small, causing swing in nutrient and pH levels.

So I decided to get a 50-60 liter opaque box as a reservoir, hopefully balancing pH and nutrient levels. I also decided not to go with a DWC system again, but instead going for a ebb & flow system.

Parts for ebb & flow system:

  • Reservoir (60 liters)
  • Grow bed container (50 liters)
  • Clay pellets to fill grow bed container (~45 liters)
  • Pump + Timer for pump
  • Various hose fittings: 2x Tees, 2x Elbows, 2x grommets

The reservoir holds the nutrient solution (water + nutrients). Grow bed is full of clay pellets and is flushed with nutrient solution every few hours by the pump. The hose fittings are arranged in such a way that water will flow back to the reservoir well before the grow bed overflows.

More details to come.

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